Important Credit Card Information
Due to increased fraud, your Tendto Credit Union Credit Card cannot be used outside of the United States and Canada for e-commerce and keyed transactions (which means non-swiped) unless there are travel indicators on your account. If you are traveling to a foreign country, other than Canada, please contact us to avoid transaction denials.
Important Debit Card Information
Due to increased fraudulent activity, your Tendto Credit Union Debit Card may not be used in some foreign countries. If you are traveling to any foreign country, including Canada and Mexico, please contact the credit union to set up travel alerts to avoid any service disruptions. Additionally, it is beneficial to notify the credit union even when traveling within the United States.
If you have any questions or wish to place travel notifications on your debit card, please contact a Tendto team member at 814.455.6400.
Important Fraud Alert
Tendto would like to remind you to check your account history regularly. If you notice any suspicious account activity, please contact the credit union immediately.
We would also like to remind you that we would NEVER contact you by phone or e-mail and ask you to verify card, personal or online banking log-in information. NEVER GIVE THIS INFORMATION OUT.